The Art Shift was founded on the idea that a profound art experience transcends art and holds the potential to radically expand one's perception of reality.
We make and curate artwork to facilitate an expansive thought revolution and radical shift in human consciousness through artistic expression.
Art that elevates our consciousness.
Art that expands our mind.
Expand the mind, and you can free the mind.
Free the mind, and you can change the world.

We make artwork to connect to the deeper meaning of who we are.
Art that explores the reality that is our collective and individual internal worlds.
Art that questions the lies, narratives, agendas, and illusions that manipulate our collective reality.
We make art that connects us to elevated states of consciousness,
and creates space for collective healing, for awakening, for discovery, for realization, for reunification, and for expansion.

We make artwork that
confronts the uncomfortable,
Art that unearths hidden truths and reveals hidden realities.
We make to shed light on the darkness that lies within all of us.
Art that brings us face to face with the mystical and unexplainable,
Art that awakens the individual to the God within.
We make art to assist in humanity's conscious evolution at this pivotal moment in time.

We believe individual human beings change the world by creating a change within and becoming the embodiment of your message.
The Art Shift is the embodiment of our vision of the future. We honor the sacred nature of the artwork we make & curate.
Its presence is the conduit for an expansive thought revolution and radical shift in human consciousness.
As stewards and custodians of this artwork, we believe the energy and process by which it is created, cared for, and experienced in each present moment has the power to shift our conscious evolution as a collective.